Monday, May 30, 2011

PBS goes to the CIRCUS

I am highly recommending the show Circus to everyone. It's a 6 episode documentary on a small East Coast circus called The Big Apple Circus. Who doesn't have a childhood dream of running off to the circus? It's nice to live it vicariously through this group.

It is streaming on PBS and Netflix.

Look for my favorite character - new clown Glen.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bridesmaids Outtakes

I am highly recommending Bridesmaids. Kristin Wigg is officially a genius for writing it. 

And after seeing these outtakes, Jon Hamm is officially hilarious.

Monday, May 23, 2011


I have loved the Muppets since The Muppet Movie/Sesame Street/Muppet Babies. And I've been slightly obsessed with Jason Segal since college.
Why do we have to wait 6 months to see this movie?!?

Honestly I'm not big on Amy Adams, but I suppose there are worst things that could happen.

Friday, May 6, 2011

A Happy Pilot

My favorite first-season show this year is Happy Endings. Don't listen to the name, it's terrible and is probably the reason this show will be cancelled. It's incredibly sit-comy and campy, but I think that's why I love it.

It has an ensemble cast, as all sit-coms do. They include a married couple, several singles and a token gay guy. Casey Wilson is the surprise favorite. She was fired from Saturday Night Live a few years ago, but she has really found her place on this new show.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Wet Hot Movie Recomendation

Wet Hot American Summer is a truly underestimated film. It's about the last day of camp, set in 1981. Features a Frasier-less David Hyde Pierce, a sober Bradley Cooper and knocked down Paul Rudd. 

Instead of showing you the trailer or letting you know that this is on Netflix instant view, I'm leaving you with a scrapbook of my favorite scenes.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Terrible Karaoke Songs

We all know the number one rule of karaoke - stay within your range. For me that means no American Idol winners, divas, or rappers. Here, I've made a playlist of songs that are perfect for the shower and car, but just don't work for most behind the microphone. Of course, I'm secretly hoping to hear them after that third gin & tonic.

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Monday, May 2, 2011


Here I am, coming back to the blog world. Sadly, I shut down years ago. Last time I was busy sharing news from college. Things have slowed down since then, so I'm certain I won't be rushing to the computer to share about every detail of my life these days.

Instead, I'm going to share my good taste with you. Simply, things that I like at the moment. Hopefully this won't turn into your mom's forwards with pictures of cats in silly poses. I'm known for my amazing mix CD's, hopefully I can introduce you to a new band. Approximately 75% of my TV and movie viewing time is spent on comedies, hopefully I can make you laugh.

Here goes - I always love the Correspondent Dinner's roast speech. I was delighted when I watched it Sunday morning. However, even during first viewing I thought that Obama was much too happy than he should be. He was openly laughing at jokes at his current rival - Trump. Then, when I was ironically interrupted during The Apprentice, it all made sense. This clip is so telling on the second viewing.